Creative Writing Prompts: Myths, Magic and Mayhem

As May is ‘Share a Story’ Month, I thought it would be fun to share some creative writing prompts. These could act as inspiration for your child to write a story.

Writing prompts are powerful ways to get the ball rolling and the creative juices flowing.

Of course, these can be used as fun and imaginative ways to connect during family time. Or they can be used to support exam prep and creative writing skills.

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Before we begin, I wanted to outline some ways that creative writing prompts could be used to suit your child:

How to use Creative Writing Prompts:

  1. As an add on game in the car

Preparing for a longer car ride or stuck in some traffic? Use one of the creative writing prompts below to start an ‘add on’ game.

An add on game begins with someone reading the prompt and continuing the story. Once they feel they’ve said enough, the next person must take over from where they left off and build upon the narrative. The story continues until everyone has a turn.

Teachable moments:

  • Story openers
  • Connectives
  • Story structure
  • Character development
  • Plot twists
  1. As a group story builder on paper

Similar to the ‘add on’ game above, a piece of paper begins with a prompt. The first person then continues to write the story (you can provide a timer or a rule of how many lines are needed). They then fold the paper, so the first line was covered, and only their text remains. The next person then writes and then covers all writing except their own and passes it on.

Once completed, the paper is unravelled to reveal a full story.

Teachable moments:

  • Leaving character clues
  • Fronted adverbials
  1. Story free write

One of the more traditional ways of using creative writing story prompts is to use it as a free write. Some schools may even refer to it as a ‘Big Write’. These are typically timed periods that require independent planning, writing, and correcting.

This is a great way to encourage writing independence and see progress.

Teachable moments:

  • Planning stages
  • How to write under time pressure
  • Reviewing or ‘purple polishing’ work

See also:

How To Make The 11+ Word List Stick: 14 Word Games

11+ vocabulary word games
Boost your child’s vocabulary with these games

Creative Writing Prompts

This year’s theme for National Share a Story month is Myths, Magic and Mayhem. Therefore, I thought I would share a few prompts that fit within each category.

It is of course important for your child to understand the elements that are found within each type of story. While many features overlap, there are some elements unique to each type.

Mythical writing

Mythical writing is often grounded in opposing forces. As an example, light versus dark, good versus evil. It can likewise include elements of fate or prophecy, and will likely include a form of mythical, supernatural elements.

Popular books of myths: Coraline, Who let the Gods Out, Percy Jackson

Magical writing

Magical writing typically includes elements of fantasy and the supernatural. Therefore, creatures like unicorns, goblins, pheonix, centaurs and of course witches and wizards are part of the style. It is often set in realistic settings and has a human element.

Popular books of magic: Harry Potter Series, Narnia series, the Hobbit, Alice in Wonderland.

Mayhem writing

Mayhem writing will include mystery and suspense. There can be cliff hangers, big conflicts and powerful action scenes.

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Download our 11+ vocabulary builder

Myths Creative Writing Prompts:


Creative writing prompt to explain bioluminescence.

creative writing prompt from Bettering Youth English tutors
creative writing
bettering youth english tutors share creative writing prompt
English tutors share creative writing prompts for Mythical writing

Magic Creative Writing Prompts:

Creative writing prompt for floating book!/home

Creative writing prompt for an underwater world
Phoebe Rudomino

Creative writing prompt for mushroom world

Creative writing prompt for two worlds
Kevin Corrado

Mayhem Creative Writing Prompts:

Creative writing prompt for end of the world.
English tutor shares creative writing prompt
Mayhem creative writing prompt shared by english tutor
Creative writing prompt shared by english tutor

Resources and Links to competitions

Comprehension Club: Support your child in developing strong written skills by boosting their comprehension.

Magic Book List Myths Book List Mayhem Book List

NSSM Story Starter Competition poster

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parents guide to creative writing
Your Child needs a strong foundation in comprehension to really feel confident in poetry. Find more
bettering youth comprehension clubInspire your child to write more with these 12 creative writing prompts

Your child needs a strong foundation in comprehension to really feel confident in creative writing. Find more comprehension resources here:

How to Boost Reading Comprehension Through Storytelling

How To Make The 11+ Word List Stick: 14 Word Games

Boost Comprehension Monitoring with these Small but Mighty Steps

Comprehension Technique: How to Make Predictions

Looking for support in Comprehension? Why not learn more about our weekly small group comprehension class.

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bettering youth comprehension club
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Ascot-based tutors offering 1-1 tutoring and small group online classes. Blending emotional wellbeing coaching, our tutors support children with the British curriculum. Working with home educating families and school-going families to boost academic success and manage emotional health. Trusted by over 1.3 thousand families worldwide.

1 thought on “Creative Writing Prompts: Myths, Magic and Mayhem”

  1. Pingback: How to Boost Creative Writing Skills - Bettering Youth

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