Introducing our fabulous freebies
I’ve put together some of my best resources to provide you with some super-useful conversation prompts, tricks, time management hints for children, study tips and mindfulness techniques.
Stress-free Exams E-book
My signature ebook! This free PDF is packed with tips, talking point suggestions, and ideas to support your child through exam season.
Learn the 5 ways that you can support your child to ease the overwhelm and remove the stress from exam season.

Avoid the homework battle!
The ultimate best practices guide to helping your child build a growth mindset and stop avoiding homework!
Learn 6 ways to improve your child's intrinsic motivation and help them complete their homework.
Creating Healthy Boundaries during Exam Season
This ebook will help you to uncover what your core values are and to build habits and routines that allow you to lean into them instead of relying on motivation.

A guide to Family Meetings Ebook
Did you love the first session of the Mindful Toolbox where we shared how to use family meetings as a place to introduce new concepts and improve communication?
Learn what a family meeting is, how it can be done successfully, and how to implement it with your family.
Donut Of Control
This particular worksheet has been used in our Child Confidence and Resilience Coaching programmes. Families have seen it to support students who are:
- Anxious about sleepovers
- anxious about upcoming exams
- moving to secondary school (new school)
- feeling very overwhelmed
- worried about world events
If you'd like to access the full training and to see the book that inspired the worksheet, check out our donut of control blog here.

Comparative Essay Ebook
The comprehensive guide to Comparative Essays to support students in obtaining top marks in GCSE English Language Paper 2 questions.
3 parts guide students from planning, to writing to structuring the most eloquent response.
Summer activities Ebook for Year 3-6
Book Recommendations
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If you’re looking to support your child in a specific way, please send me a message using the contact form or email me at
I'd be happy to find ways to support you and your child.