We’re so pleased that you’ve made it to the research section of our website and that you’re considering a mindfulness programme either for your child or your school.
Here, we’ve tried to provide as much information as we possibly can surrounding the evidence and existing best practice of mindfulness within education. We really hope that it’s helpful!
We will keep adding to this page, so please do keep coming back over time to stay up to date with all of our latest resources and research.
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Mental health is a big deal…
1 in 8 children have a diagnosable mental health disorder – that’s roughly 3 children in every classroom.¹
1 in 6 young people (aged 16-24) has symptoms of a common mental disorder such as depression or an anxiety disorder.²Half of all mental health problems manifest by the age of 14, with 75% by age 24.³
In 2017, suicide was the most common cause of death for both boys (16.2% of all deaths) and girls (13.3%) aged between 5 and 19.⁴
Nearly half of 17-19 year olds with a diagnosable mental health disorder has self-harmed or attempted suicide at some point, rising to 52.7% for young women.⁵
The Problem
20% of adolescents
may experience a mental health problem in any given year. ⁶
10% of children and young people
(aged 5-16 years) have a clinically diagnosable mental problem, yet 70% of children and adolescents who experience mental health problems have not had appropriate interventions at a sufficiently early age. ⁷
2 in 5 young people
say they have experienced bullying in some form in the last year, including cyber-bullying. ⁸
Young People need more support....
In total, less than 8% of the total NHS budget is spent on children and young people’s mental health services. ¹¹
The number of A&E attendances by young people aged 18 or under with a recorded diagnosis of a psychiatric condition has almost tripled since 2010.¹²
We’re part of the Solution:
Wellbeing declines as children and young people get older. This highlights the need to equip children and young people with the skills to support their wellbeing as they move into the world. This analysis replicates other sources showing a drop in wellbeing over adolescence and into early adulthood. ¹³
In terms of intervention, it would appear that the most effective approaches focus broadly on well-being and promote strengths rather than primarily focusing on poor mental health. A whole-school approach that incorporates these factors in the curriculum as well as targeted support, staff development, working with parents and developing a positive climate, has been found to have a positive effect on both physical and mental health.¹⁴
The role of schools in the reduction of stigma, prevention, early recognition of mental health problems, early intervention and the promotion of recovery is seen to be key to the future mental health and well-being of children and young people. Respondents have called for the inclusion of mental health in the National Curriculum so that children and young people might be able to take ownership of their mental health, and that they might improve awareness and remove the stigma associated with it. Schools have also been suggested to be a potential hub for mental health that will promote the engagement of families and communities. ¹⁵

Extra Support
For parents:
A guide to mental health services in England: this page on NHS England includes a local search to find your nearest mental health services and advice for when to seek help
Who’s who in CAMHS: Young Minds guide to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
Welcome to the Moodzone - Depression in children and teenagers: More information on the signs and symptoms of depression in children and young people and when to get medical help
Parent and Carers Together PACT: Support for parents/carers of children/young people with mental health issues:
For young people:
Young Minds – Find Help: find out more about how you're feeling, get information about a mental health condition or know what support is available to you
NHS Choices – Young people and mental health: An information hub offering young people advice and help on mental health problems including depression, anxiety and stress
Lifeline NI - Lifeline is the Northern Ireland crisis response helpline service for people who are experiencing distress or despair. No matter what your age or where you live in Northern Ireland, if you are or someone you know is in distress or despair, Lifeline is here to help.