25 Exciting Earth Day Activities to Celebrate Mother Earth with your Family

Bettering Youth shares Earth Day activities
Earth Day Activities

Earth Day 2021 is April 22nd, but if like us, you believe Earth Day should be every day, here are 25 activities to help make our Earth stronger and happier.

Did you know that Earth day has been celebrated since 1970, across 190 countries!

This year is even more important because the Biden Administration has announced that they will host the first global leaders climate summit. This is big news and hopefully will spark some big steps.

Want to feel inspired to get your head into the game, be sure to check our Greta Thunberg’s moving plea to leaders.

Greta Thunberg’s plea

Films that Spark Conversations for Earth Day:

At the top of our list of Earth Day activities are movies that help bring key concepts to life! Most of these films you and your family would have already seen which is great, as it means the activities will link fantastically, sparking great conversation.

Disney’s Frozen

Frozen Fractals
What are fractals? Visit a Little Pinch of Perfect

Power of Unity
Elsa felt like she was better alone but realised she’s stronger with her sister… practise the art of persuasion to get more people to care about our climate… See National Geographic for inspiration

Elsa causes an Ice Age – Create your own ice!
Learn how ice forms

Frozen Ice Powers

Disney’s Moana

Make a Volcano using baking soda and vinegar. Start by creating a volcano from playdough, place a cup with vinegar at the base, then when you’re ready add the vinegar.

Canoe Contest
Using recyclable materials, challenge your children to create their own canoe. Time who’s canoe can stay afloat the longest and discuss how the different materials allow the canoe to stay afloat.

I did this as part of a STEM project in University.. only it was lifesized! We won too 🙂

Sarahlynn participating in a boat race
Boat Race

The Lorax

Plant Life Cycles

Learning Plant Life Cycles

Lorax for the Day
If you were the Lorax, what would you do to help stop deforestation?

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

Learn about the Water cycle
Create a rain cloud in a jar Visit Natural Beach Living

create a weather jar
Credit: Natural Beach Living


Research Space

Create a space rocket from recyclable items

Make a rocket from junk
Credit: Nurture Store


Explore your local ecosystems

Learn about how Trees grow

Create your own Plant inspired by the odd flora and fauna in the film

Discovering the Forest of Pandora

Science Experiments to Promote Learning About our Earth

  1. Summer of Funner- Weather in a jar
  2. Sciencing – Create a terranium to learn about ecosystems
  3. Le Robin’s Nest – Egg shell gardens
  4. Steamsational – Build a desert biome
  5. Kitchen Counter Chronicle – Smaller carbon footprint
  6. Hi Sugar Plum – Bottle planters
  7. Views from a Step Stool – Plantable seed paper – learn about compost
  8. National Geographic – Visualizing climate change activity and video
  9. One Time Through – Water filtration
  10. Kitchen Counter Chronicle – Oil spill
  11. Teach beside Me – Leaf transpiration

Earth Day Activities Wrap Up

There you have it, 25 interactive and educational activities to celebrate Earth Day! We hope you found our Science and English connections inspiring!

If Film based activities are up your alley, be sure to check out our Inside Out inspired Activity Day!

Want more Moana activities? Our Science, English, Arts and Mindfulness projects are fun and cross curricular! Be sure to find it in our Fabulous Freebies section 🙂

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25 Earth Day Activities

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