The Mindful Toolbox background (3)

The Mindful Toolbox Workshop

We're taking a summer holiday - we'll be back next academic year.

Keep your eyes peeled + join our mailing list to stay up to date on our next workshops.

Following the session, Sarahlynn will provide time for Q&A. This is a rare opportunity as it is something that has only been offered to clients in the past!

Be sure to email should you like to join us for the live recording and Q&A or click here to register

Latest Mindful Toolbox Sessions

6 reasons Mindfulness
supports children’s mental wellbeing:

boy standing beside a timer

Improve focus and productivity

learning about self care

Increase self-worth and confidence

communicating between men and women

Develop communication skills

calm woman with coffee and plants

Create a sense of calm

girl meditating under a tree

Reduce anxiety, and worries

3 people showing progress and growth

Build resilience and a growth mindset

Incase you like research...

Higher levels of emotional control, optimism and empathy than students who were not instructed in the mindfulness span¹⁶

Fewer behavioural problems and aggression amongst students¹⁷

Improvement with metacognition and ability to maintain attention. These students also showed improvements in memory, planning and organisation¹⁸

Increased impulse control¹⁹

Mindfulness-based interventions have been linked with enhancements in well-being and self-regulation across a broad range of research and theory²⁰

Both meta-cognition and emotional well-being are highlighted as important learning themes within UK educational policy and curricula²¹, yet there are very few evidence-based school programs promoting meta-cognition which can be delivered by school teachers for younger children.²²

As we continue to learn that many adult diseases have their roots in childhood exposure to stress and trauma, it is essential to intervene with primary prevention strategies to reduce their negative effects among children and youth. This trial provides convincing evidence that high-quality school-based MBSR instruction for youth in urban public schools is feasible, acceptable, and leads to improvements in psychological symptoms, coping, and posttraumatic stress symptoms. Improvements in these domains may ultimately reduce the negative impact of stress and trauma experienced in childhood and adolescence and lead to significant positive shifts, when imagined over the life course.²³

Subscribe to learn about upcoming sessions and get access to priority booking

Why Join us for this free Mindfulness workshop?


You want to support your child to grow up and be happy, confident and resilient.

This Mindfulness workshop will teach you what you need to know in order to have meaningful conversations that will support your family unit.

Be sure to stick around until the end as I'll be sharing the top dialogue prompts that can help your family communicate effectively.


My child is not preparing for an exam, but often experiences anxiety, will this still help?
Yes! This specific webinar will elaborate on Anxiety in the context of managing nerves around performance but the ideas will still be very relevant to anyone who lives with anxiety.

How long is the Webinar?
We try and keep them short and sweet as we know your time is valuable. Less than 30 minutes is our goal.

How is the Webinar being presented?
This webinar will be presented via a safe and private Zoom link

Is the session live?
Yes! The session is recorded live.

What if I can't attend live?
All sessions are recorded and will be available for replay for a set amount of time. There is also the opportunity to listen to it via Spotify or streaming it online.

Do I have to show my face or talk?
Nope. We want to respect you and your family's privacy so all cameras will remain off (except Sarahlynn's) and all viewers will stay muted.

What if I have a question?
Sarahlynn will also be monitoring our chat box so should you have any questions, feel free to pop it in the chat box and she'll get back to you asap.

Does my child need to be present?
No, these sessions are predominately to educate parents and caregivers.

I don't know what mindfulness is.
Mindfulness is a practise of connecting to the present moment. It helps the body to become calmer and the brain has more time to think and better process information. Check out our free webinar on the Power of Mindfulness here.

Will this sell me a product or service?
No these sessions are shared with you without any sales pitch!
At the end, Sarahlynn mentions how you can continue your journey by connecting with Bettering Youth's academic tutoring and emotional wellbeing coaching programme or watching the next months' Mindful Toolbox webinar; these are all suggestions that you can follow up with if you want to continue your journey to support your child's mental and emotional wellbeing.

Subscribe to learn about upcoming sessions and get access to priority booking


Everything that we do at Bettering Youth is backed by evidence, which is why we wanted to share with
you the research for which we have based our highly successful programmes on.

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