
10 Tips from a STEM tutor: Banish STEMphobia

Top tips to dealing with STEM phobia from our STEM tutor.

Are you a parent or guardian concerned about your child’s aversion to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)? If your child is among the STEMphobic, don’t worry – you’re not alone, and there are practical and unique solutions to ignite their interest in these crucial subjects.

Understanding STEMphobia

Before we dive into solutions, let’s address what STEMphobia is and why it’s prevalent among students:

STEMphobia is the fear or aversion to STEM subjects, which can be caused by factors like:

1. Complexity: STEM subjects are often perceived as too complex or difficult.

2. Lack of Engagement: Traditional teaching methods may fail to engage students.

3. Misconceptions: Common misconceptions about STEM can deter students.

4. Inadequate Support: Students may not receive sufficient support to excel in these areas.

STEM tutor shares 10 tips for students who are anxious about maths, science, engineering and technology

Solutions to help your STEMphobic child

Now, let’s explore practical and unique solutions to help your STEMphobic student embrace science.

1. Make It Relatable

Start by showing your child the real-world relevance of STEM. Discuss how science, technology, engineering, and mathematics impact their daily life, from the gadgets they use to the medical advancements that keep them healthy.

Students are always shocked when they see how much Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths surrounds them every day!

2. Hands-On Experiments

Engage your child in hands-on experiments and projects. These tangible experiences can make abstract STEM concepts more understandable and enjoyable. You can find numerous age-appropriate STEM kits and DIY projects online or at local stores.

Our STEM tutors are sure to embed hands on practical activities for students to gain a visual experience of the concepts. This can even be done for our online science tutors!

3. Encourage Curiosity

Foster your child’s innate curiosity. Encourage them to ask questions about the world around them. Be patient and provide answers or guide them to resources where they can find answers.

The world is full of STEM! Lead by example and discuss topics like the change in weather, the colours of leaves, types of clouds, how our speed impacts the time to our destination. 

4. Leverage Technology

Use technology to your advantage. There are numerous educational apps, games, and online courses designed to make STEM learning engaging and interactive. Find age-appropriate resources that align with your child’s interests.

5. Relatable Role Models

Introduce your child to relatable STEM role models, such as scientists, engineers, or tech entrepreneurs. Hearing success stories and learning about the journeys of these individuals can inspire your child.

Some of our favourite books to explore black STEM role-models are linked here

black history stem blog cover
9 powerful books to introduce STEM

6. Connect STEM to Hobbies

Identify your child’s hobbies and interests, then show them how STEM can enhance those interests. For example, if they love cooking, explain the science behind different cooking techniques and ingredients.

One of my favourite Home Education activities has been going to explore a pick your own strawberries field and seeing how different growing environments affects the produce. Then making scones and jam and discussing/ seeing first-hand how ingredients make mixtures and undergo chemical reactions. 

8. Practical Applications

Whenever possible, show how STEM knowledge can lead to exciting careers and opportunities. Discuss professions like video game design, environmental science, or aerospace engineering to showcase diverse pathways.

10. Supportive Tutoring

Consider enlisting the help of a qualified STEM tutor. A tutor can provide personalized guidance, address specific challenges, and make learning more accessible and enjoyable.


Helping your STEMphobic student embrace science and maths subjects may require creativity and patience, but it’s entirely achievable. By making STEM relatable, providing hands-on experiences, and connecting STEM to their interests, you can spark their curiosity and set them on a path to discovering the wonders of science and technology. Remember that each child is unique, so tailor your approach to their needs and celebrate their journey of exploration and discovery.

Have you met our STEM tutors yet?

Meet Agnes, a Maths and Physics GCSE tutor

Book in for a free call to discuss your child’s strengths and where a STEM tutor can help!

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