Dividing and Multiplying by 10, 100, 100

As Year 6 SATs are right around the corner, let’s ensure your child is caught up on the foundational skills that can help them work efficiently.


This guide will remind Year 6 SATs students on how to divide and multiply numbers by 10 using a place value chart. This will help ensure accurate and efficient calculations.

Key Steps:

  1. Set up a place value chart with units, tens, and hundreds on the left side, and tenths, hundredths, and thousandths on the right side.
    • Note: The “THS” at the end indicates values less than a whole.
  2. When dividing a number by 10, place the number inside the place value chart.
    • Example: If the number is 48.53, 4 is tens, 8 is units, 5 is tenths and 3 is hundredths
  3. Determine the number of zeros in the equation to know how many spaces the numbers will shift.
    • Example: If there is only one zero, all numbers will shift one space.
  4. To remember the direction of the shift, know that when dividing, the number needs to get smaller.
    • Example: The numbers will move towards the decimal.
  5. Draw an arrow between the numbers and write the digit that has been shifted underneath it.
    • Example: Move the 5 from the tenths column to the hundredths column, the 8 from the units column to the tenths column, and the 4 tenths to the units column.
  6. Keep the decimal in its original position.
  7. The new number after dividing by 10 will be the result.
    • Example: The new number is 4.853.

Cautionary Notes:

  • Pay attention to the number of zeros in the equation to determine the direction and number of spaces for the shift.
  • Ensure clear labeling and organization of the numbers in the place value chart to avoid confusion.

Tips for Efficiency:

  • Use different colors to differentiate between dividing and multiplying by 10.
  • Practice visualizing the shift and the placement of the numbers in the place value chart.
  • Double-check the final result to ensure accuracy.

Link to Loom for Year 6 SATS maths support


0:00 Hello, I just wanted to go over how we can divide and multiply by 10 a hundred and thousand. So the first thing that we’re going to do is set up a place value chart.

0:13 So as we’ve gone through in the past, we have our units, tens, and hundreds to the left, and we have our tenths, hundredths, and thousandths to the right.

0:28 The THS at the end tells us that it’s less than a whole. So we can also visualize it as it being out of a fraction, and that can be really helpful when we go from a decimal to a fraction later on, but for now we just need to remember that the THS is on the right side.

0:48 So when we are asked to divide a number by 10, the first thing that we’re going to do is place this number inside the place value chart. 1:00 So we have 48.53. So 48. So we’re going to divide decimal 5.3. And we need to divide it by 10.

1:12 So one of the easiest ways to learn this is to look at how many zeros we have that we are dividing or multiplying by.

1:19 in this case there’s only one zero which means all of my numbers are going to shift one space. Now to remember whether or not we are going to the left or to the right is simply to know that when we divide our number needs to get smaller.

1:36. Which means it is going to move towards the decimal. So if I move all of my numbers one space this is where organization is really key.

1:49 So I’m going to draw an arrow in between screen. And I’m going to now write the digit that I’ve just dragged over underneath it.

1:59 So I’m going to have a new digit in this section here. So everything stays really nice and clearly labeled. My 5 from you the tenths con gets moved over to the hundredths.

2:14 My 8 from the units jumps over the decimal. Obviously it can’t stay in the decimal section because that’s just for a decimal lives.

2:23 And it will now live in the- the tenths column. I can keep my decimal where it is and finally I have my 4 tenths is going to move over to my units.

2:39 That gives us the new number

4.853. So that would be dividing by 10. If I wanted to do something very similar but this time I wanted to multiply by 10.

2:56 This time everything is going to move towards the left because my number needs to increase in size. So everything will move over towards the left.

3:08 I’m going to use a different color scheme here. So we’re going to use green.

. 3:15 48 decimal five three as our number and we are going to move one space. I know it’s one space because I’ve got one zero. 3:27 So I’m going to move one space. to the left which is going to indicate multiplying by ten. So all of my numbers will go back over one space.

3:42 From the tens column I’m moving for one over one space into the hundreds column. From the units column I’m moving over one space and I will land in the tens column.

3:57 11. My 5 from the tens column is going to jump over my decimal into my units column. And my 3 is going to move from my hundreds column into my tens column.

4:15 I’m not going to forget to put my decimal, that’s very important. And that means that I have multiplied my number by 10.

4:25 It is moved over my over, shifted over one space. So as you can see we have some lovely examples down here.

4:34 We have steps for success which explains the steps that you’re going to take. So line up the numbers in the place value chart. 4:42 However many zeros there are in the equation. That’s how many spaces your number will transition on the place value. So remember if you’re dividing the number will get smaller.

4:54 So this This is focusing on division and it goes through. Step for step how this works.

If you’d like support for your child in preparation for Year 6 SATs, get in touch,

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