School staff programme

Are you?

  • A head teacher?
  • A school leader?
  • On the board of school governors?


With an emphasis on empathy, resilience, self-awareness and critical thinking, our tailor-made school staff programme is specifically designed to ensure that your academic team are working efficiently, effectively and joyfully!

See why over 1,200 pupils in the UK trust Bettering Youth to bring mindfulness programmes to support their academic and wellbeing journey.

Our mindfulness programme will benefit your pupils, staff and community!

Blending together mindfulness techniques and positive psychology, and leveraging the latest research to support our sessions, educational professionals will learn how to incorporate these actions into their daily lives; allowing them to experience all the benefits that mindfulness training will bring!


  • More harmonious classrooms25
  • Less stress26
  • Engaged students with happy and healthy minds27
  • Practical resources that are simple to implement
  • Whole staff and individual teacher support


  • Improved mental wellbeing28
  • Better concentration levels and more focus27
  • Enhanced academic performance31
  • Effective strategies for dealing with emotions23
  • Healthier relationships29
  • More resilience30


1. CPD 

Our professional development sessions will provide your teaching staff with all the tools that they need to deliver learning opportunities and experiences that support health and emotional wellbeing, and promote the physical and social awareness of learners. We recognise that to achieve this, we must first support the staff’s wellbeing, so during our sessions, we’ll also share our tried-and-tested techniques that will support their ambitions and protect against burnout24

2. Classroom Resources

All Bettering Youth’s tutors are experienced teachers, so we totally understand the stress that’s experienced by many education professionals. This is why our resource library is jam-packed with materials that will help beat that feeling of emotional exhaustion26, boost your productivity levels27 and leave you feeling inspired

Staff well-being

Teaching staff work so incredibly hard and they deserve to feel appreciated and all-round amazing! Investing in our programme will not only improve the quality of teaching in your school, but will also improve staff retention rates, increase job satisfaction28, enhance productivity27, and decrease levels of illness and absence24. Plus, It’s a known fact that if your staff morale is low, then this is going to directly impact on the emotional wellbeing of your students and, therefore, their ability to learn.

Here are just some of the areas that our training will cover:


Scientific insights continue to show how mindfulness training can help lift your mood, improve your resilience levels, boost your immune system and elevate your levels of happiness! However, if your staff are going to effectively teach mindfulness to their students, then they need to be able to create their own mindfulness practice. Our training programme will guide your staff through some mindfulness meditations and then provide them with all the resources that they need to begin to establish their own mindfulness techniques.

Stress Management:

Whilst not all stress is bad, extreme levels of stress can be hugely detrimental to our overall health and wellbeing. Our training programme will help your staff to understand what makes them feel stressed and equip them with practical ways to manage their stress effectively.


Whilst teaching is so utterly rewarding, it also comes with its own share of ups and downs! If we’re not careful, sometimes the down times can knock us so far down that we may struggle to get back up. This is where our resilience training comes into play. Recent studies suggest that one in three teachers have taken time off due to stress, and our programme helps to address this major issue. We’ll guide your staff through the practical ways to boost their resilience levels so that they’re feeling stronger, more inspired and ready to be the best teachers that they can possibly be!


If you’re ready to find out more about bringing mindfulness into your whole school,
just pop me a message using the contact form or email me at


Everything that we do at Bettering Youth is backed by evidence, which is why we wanted to share with
you the research for which we have based our highly successful programmes on.

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